Soul of the PraxicFire - class item, 6 cost: activating solar class abilities grants an overshield and increases the cooldown of your class ability.Passive Guard - class item, 6 cost: players receive less damage from enemies that are close to them whilst wielding a sword.You also gain a bonus to weapon damage against enemies that are near warmind cells. Power of Rasputin - seasonal mod, 4 cost Void: defeating an enemy with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a high probability of dropping a Warmind Cell.Here's a list of all the individual mods that were shown: The new Artifact mods focus on sidearms, swords and SMGs, while the seasonal mods use a new mechanic tied to Warmind Cells. The new Power cap is 1,000, with Pinnacle gear going up to 1,010, this is going to prove challenging for even the most powerful Guardians. The new seasonal Artifact, the Warmind Khanjali, as well as some Artifact and seasonal mods, are just a few of the impressive amount of goodies we're about to get.Īs well as all of the content Bungie confirmed that the Nightfall Strike will be getting a new difficulty tier called 'Grandmaster', which sits at an enormous 1060 Power.